Calling All Writers, Artists, Actors/Actresses and Entrepreneurs
Shirts on Steroids website is owned and operated by Sunburst Logo LLC.
Are you by chance looking for some one who can apply the image of your book cover to a t-shirt by way of screenprinting or digital ink jet transfer? What a fantastic way to promote your next book.
We at Tshirt On steroids know the art of screenprinting and as a result you are able to benefit by taking advantage of the tremendous value as well as the superior quality that we offer. We know that this type of screenprinting is not your basic every day tee shirt application. Book covers are quite often very colorful and complicated pieces of art.
A t-shirt will make for a great marketing and promotional tool that you can give to those key people who you want to make a strong impression and be remembered. Is there a writers conference coming up in the St. Louis, St.Charles Mo., St.Peters Mo. or O'Fallon Mo., Kansas City or Springfield Mo. area coming up? Tshirt on Steroids screen printing and embroidery company is most certainly up for that challenge. So much of the t-shirts we do are so simple and plain. We really take a lot of pride in being able to cater to the client who needs a very complicated image put on to a tshirt.